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BaRum Srl: the art of working steel using state of the art technology and dedicated craftsmanship

11 maggio 2009

High resistance, surprising flexibility and possessing unequalled value, steel is by far one metal which truly represents the contemporary. This precious alloy has an important place in the history of mankind (the industrial revolution would not have been possible without it). However, steel gained its most important feature in 1913  rendering it a tremendous asset and part of our everyday life: it became "stainless". It is this feature of being "stainless" steel which has opened the door to the use of this alloy in creations by artists, architects and designers who have revolutionized modern-day objects present in every home in the form furnishings both for the private and public sector.

As a result, when speaking of this absolutely fantastic material one might use a barrage of adjectives in describing it, however there is a company which has decided to add to this vast list of  adjectives by dedicating research in finding different uses for stainless steel as well as methods of working the material.  This "company" is BaRum Srl of Caltagirone (CT).
BaRum Srl, born out of a long tradition of expert workmanship and creativity, is one of the few firms in all of Sicily able to work stainless steel plate in an such an avant-guarde way. This is made possible not only because of the machinery used but, in particular, because of the company's innovative entrepreneurship - young and dynamic, ready to invest its capabilities on new technologies based on an idea of a novel service which pays particular attention to the demands of the modern market. BaRum Srl has never sacrificed its sense of tradition and quality and this shows in its method of disciplined work, in the precision and dedication which only can only be found in an artisan dedicated to his work. In other words, BaRum Srl has managed to become a leader in Sicily in the working and design of stainless steel plate and is ready to take on the feared international financial crisis.

"When Steel in Transformed into Furnishings - Manufacturing furnishings with Steel", this is the motto which became BaRum's first inspiration. It is not just a simple company slogan contrived to easily attract customers, but the method BaRum has adopted to build the company - with passion and attentiveness.
BaRum Srl has made steel a part of itself - managing to create and transform it with expertise in whatever way its customers desire. Thanks to the company's dynamics and its investments in state-of-the-art machinery, the company places major emphasis on how to render space more functional. 

BaRum Srl manufacturing capabilites goes from the manufacturing of small creations such as ladders, lofts, railings as well as tables, sofas and other furniture pieces to creations of a much larger scale: structural elements for airports (The International Airport of Catania and the new airport in Comiso, Ragusa) and urban furnishings.
The company is able to obtain such elegant results thanks to the use of special lasers which make the manufacturing of these products an art. Moreover, BaRum Srl has provided its products for several of the most famous designers of success, such as Guess, Bucalo, Camicissima, Guru and many more, for which logos, engravings, signs and various decorations were produced - all in steel. The innovative technology of the laser-cutting systems  has made it possible for the company to work in other important sectors such as aeronautics, railroad, agricolture, chemical and many more.

The use of lasers in cutting materials is common. During the cutting process, the material absorbs energy in the area where the laser is focused, this creates heat. This creates of dual flow zone, allowing a rapid increase in the temperature of the steel:  the fusion or vaporisation in the area of interaction determines the clean cut.
Laser-cutting can be used in any area of furnishings, especially where a precise, clean cut is needed. Laser-cutting of steel is the most widely used application and guarantees high-quality in the products produced from it. BaRum Srl uses this technique for its most complex creations in order to assure precision as well as esthetic value.

The advantages of laser-cutting are:
- laser cutting is, above all, precise, clean and silent;
- the beam can be focalized on an extremely small area (from 0.1 to 1mm in diameter);
- the area in proximity to the cut edge has a very low heat alteration;
- the laser cut has the capacity of operating on complex profiles and with very small rays of curvature;
- unlike other traditional cutting systems, light exerts no mechanical pressure on the piece;
- total absence of mechanical pressure on the piece;
- absence of wear in the instrument;
- cutting capability independent of hardness of the material;
- capability of cutting coated or surface treated materials.
The laser-cutting system utilized by BaRum Srl (unique in Sicily) also has a high degree of automation and flexibility able to offer: ease of integration with other automated systems; very high trimming capability; capability of adapting immediately to changes in production requirements.
In many cases, laser cutting can produce finished pieces that do not require further processing (polishing, de-burring, finishing etc.).

For more information:
BaRum Srl
Contrada Santa Maria di Poggiarelli, s.n. Rustico n° 3
Zona Industriale - Caltagirone (CT)
Tel. 093340512 - 09350145
Fax: 0933 40513


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11 maggio 2009
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